Lawyer Perfected.
Trusted by 600+ companies, supported by 1,000+ lawyers
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A top lawyer verifies or finalizes it for 100% reliability (optional)
Here’s What Inhouse Can Do For You
instantly your questions on employment, compliance, IP, and more
bespoke contracts that protect
you in any situation
contracts for red flags and negotiate the
best deal terms
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Supported by America’s Top Lawyers
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checks and general guidance
Inhouse Vs ChatGPT
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Potential Risks & Red Flags
Industry Expertise To Help Your Business Thrive
Reliable Like A Law Firm, Affordable Like ChatGPT
Frequently Asked Questions
InHouse leverages the latest versions of major LLMs (OpenAI and Anthropic) and refines results using a custom Knowledge Base, constantly updated from lawyer feedback data—a critical resource other AI platforms lack.
InHouse’s AI is tailored to support the daily operations of small to midsize businesses. It excels at drafting and reviewing employment and commercial contracts and advising on HR, tax, compliance, IP, and more. It’s not built for litigation, complex transactions like M&A, or highly technical areas like patents.
Inhouse AI is the world’s most accurate AI for legal work, but we still recommend that users get all work-product checked by their Inhouse lawyer. AIl AI can hallucinate or fail to take nuances into consideration. Fortunately, getting a legal verification is fast and highly affordable.
Our training data is regularly updated to reflect new laws, regulations, and case decisions. However, changes made within the past six months may not yet be reflected.
Third parties cannot train their models on our data, and any training of our models uses anonymized data only. We adhere to industry-standard privacy protocols and host all data in the United States. Note that only communications with your attorney are privileged.
InHouse is not a law firm. Lawyers on our platform work independently and use our AI to reduce costs. You don’t have an attorney-client relationship with them until you sign their retainer agreement. Though we vet our attorneys, we aren’t responsible for their advice quality; however, we’ll refund any of our fees if you’re unsatisfied.
Any document or advice from InHouse can be submitted for a Lawyer Verification. They’ll spend up to 30 minutes assessing its accuracy. If the draft is lengthy, incomplete, or needs work, the lawyer will explain why additional time is required. This service provides general information rather than tailored legal work
If an attorney rates any legal task as Accurate, we back it with our Reliability Guarantee. If it’s not ultimately 100% accurate, you’ll receive a full refund.
Customer experience is our priority. If any legal task is inaccurate or if you’re dissatisfied with the advice, we’ll refund all payments made to us.
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